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Our Organic baked goods

Organic Multigrain Sourdough Bread

   My adventure with baking began with this bread.  This recipe has matured over time.  I have  changed it many times to get the best result.  This bread is unique because it can be appreciated by everyone – adults and children.  While the children love it for its delicate and natural taste, the adults, additionally, appreciate its health benefits.  


     The addition of linseed, sunflower seeds and oatmeal makes it rich in valuable minerals and vitamins.  Rye sourdough keeps the bread fresh for several days without losing any of its unique taste. Ideal for sandwiches, as it will taste delectable with both, salty and sweet additions or it can be as luscious with butter on its own. Simply, universal bread.


Bread without yeast, sugar, preservatives, improvers and conditioners.



Bread ingredients:

- Organic Strong White Flour

- Organic Strong Wholemeal Flour

- Organic Rye Sourdough Starter

- Organic Linseeds

- Organic Sunflower Seeds

- Organic Oats

- Himalayan Salt

- Water

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Organic Rye Sourdough Bread

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   Rye bread with sourdough is a bread with a delicate, sour taste.  Slightly moist inside, it stays fresh for several days.

Rye bread contains a large amount of fiber and a small amount of fat. Compared to some breads such as white bread, rye bread has a lower glycemic index.



 Bread without yeast, sugar, preservatives, improvers and conditioners.



Bread ingredients:

- Organic Rye Flour

- Organic Rye Sourdough Starter

- Himalayan Salt

- Water



Multigrain Sourdough Bread


   My adventure with baking began with this bread.  This recipe has matured over time.  I have  changed it many times to get the best result.  This bread is unique because it can be appreciated by everyone – adults and children.  While the children love it for its delicate and natural taste, the adults, additionally, appreciate its health benefits.  


     The addition of linseed, sunflower seeds and oatmeal makes it rich in valuable minerals and vitamins.  Rye sourdough keeps the bread fresh for several days without losing any of its unique taste. Ideal for sandwiches, as it will taste delectable with both, salty and sweet additions or it can be as luscious with butter on its own. Simply, universal bread.


Bread without preservatives, improvers and conditioners.



Bread ingredients:

- Organic Wheat Flour

- Organic Multigrain Flour

- Rye Sourdough from Organic Flour

- Linseed

- Sunflower Seeds

- Organic Oats

- Pink Himalayan Salt

- Water

Organic Spelt Sourdough Bread

   Spelt flour has many health-promoting properties and therefore, in my humble opinion, does not need accompaniments or enhancers. And this is how we created this bread – rye sourdough, Himalayan salt and spelt flour. So simple and yet so rich. It boasts with flavor and health benefits. We have no doubt it will find its group of fans.


Spelt is one of the oldest species of unprocessed wheat. This ancient whole grain was an important component of the diet of gladiators and players of the Games, as it gave them strength and perseverance.


Spelt is one of the least demanding cereal crops. Unlike ordinary wheat, spelt did not need to undergo any improvements in order to increase yields or weather resistance. Its shell can protect the grain from pollution and even radioactive radiation. When harvested, spelt is collected with the shell and it is only during the grinding, that the shell is separated from the grain.


Bread without yeast, sugar, preservatives, improvers and conditioners.



Bread ingredients:

- Organic Wholemeal Spelt Flour

- Organic White Spelt Flour

- Organic Rye Sourdough Starter

- Himalayan Salt

- Water


Organic White Sourdough Bread

White Sourdough Bread simply but unique in taste.

And made using only three ingredients.


Bread without yeast, sugar, preservatives, improvers and conditioners.



Bread ingredients:

- Organic White Strong Flour

- Organic Rye Sourdough Starter

- Himalayan Salt

- Water

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Organic Poppy Seed Sourdough Bread

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   Poppy Seed Sourdough Bread is a combination of wheat and rye flour.

This combination keeps the bread moist inside and stays fresh for a long time

and thanks to the addition of poppy seeds it gives it a nutty flavor.


Bread without yeast, sugar, preservatives, improvers and conditioners.


Bread ingredients:

- Organic White Strong Flour

- Organic Rye Flour

- Organic Rye Sourdough Starter

- Organic Poppy Seeds

- Himalayan Salt

- Water

Nutrition Info.

Organic Hemp Seed Sourdough Bread

  Hemp seeds are rich in nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, vitamins (such as vitamin E), and minerals

(such as magnesium and phosphorus). They are also an excellent source of essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for heart and brain health.


Bread without yeast, sugar, preservatives, improvers and conditioners.


Bread ingredients:

- Organic White Strong Flour

- Organic Rye Flour

- Organic Rye Sourdough Starter

- Organic Hemp Seeds

- Himalayan Salt

- Water

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Nutrition Info.

Organic Keto Bread


  Our Keto bread offers several advantages, especially for individuals following a ketogenic diet, which restricts carbohydrates and promotes higher fat consumption.


It's essential to note that not all keto bread products are created equal. Some commercially available keto breads may contain artificial ingredients, preservatives, or additives but not our keto bread.


Bread without yeast, sugar, preservatives, improvers and conditioners.


Bread ingredients:

- Organic Sunflower Seeds

- Organic Linseeds

- Organic Walnuts

- Organic Ground Almonds

- Organic Pumpkin Seeds

- Organic Psyllium Husk

- Organic Butter

- Himalayan Salt

- Water


net.weight 820g.

Organic Brioche Loaf

 Our Brioche its rich, tender crumb and slightly sweet flavor. Brioche dough is enriched with creamy butter, milk, and sugar, which give it its distinct taste and texture.


 Our Brioche is a versatile and can be enjoyed in many ways. It is delicious on its own, toasted and spread with butter

or jam, or used to make sandwiches, French toast, or bread pudding.


Bread without preservatives, improvers and conditioners.


Bread ingredients:

- Organic Strong White Flour

- Organic Milk

- Organic Butter

- Organic Golden Cane Sugar

- Water

- Fresh Yeast

- Himalayan Salt


net.weight 460g.

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